Term & Condition

A. Booking Procedures

Initial Booking

You can book one of our trekking or tour program simply filling online booking form or just writing us an official an email. Upon receiving an initial booking, we will forward you the final quotation based on mutual agreed itinerary along with payment details and Banking information. Normally, we ask you to send us 25% of the total program cost through bank transfer system (SWIFT) and details of necessary documents that you have to provide us for the final booking.

For Mountaineering Expeditions and Peak Climbing, one has to wire us Royalties fees and deposits required for processing climbing permit along with initial booking cost.

We need this amount prior to proceeding our operation such as administrative works, Hotel and Airlines Bookings, Trekking Permit issuing from the government of Nepal and making TIMS card (trekkers information management system) etc. Similarly, some region requires special permit & fees, which need to obtain prior authorization from the government of Nepal.

Final Payment

The remaining amount has to pay upon arrival in Kathmandu before the departure of booked trekking/tour program. We accept USD, Euros, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar and Pound in Cash.

B. Termination of booked program and refunding

  1. Initial booking amount, which is 25% of the total program cost, will be fully refunded after deducting transfer fees only if you inform the cancellation of such a trek/tour to the company in written notice through official letter or email 3 months prior to the fixed starting trek/tour date. Half the amount refunded if you inform us 1 month prior to the fixed departure date. The paid initial booking amount will not refunded if you do not show up on the fixed departure date of booked trek/tour.
  2. Total paid trip amount including booking amount will not refund once such fixed package trek or tour has started, if an individual/group cancels the trek/tour due to the personal reasons.
  3. All our packages are based on double occupancy in all accommodation (Hotel/Lodge/Tents) and if an individual wish to take single room/Tents accommodation, Agency will ask extra cost for single supplementary. Booked Hotel Services and Transportation Services under a package Tour/Trek programs will not be refunded if unused due to any reasons.
  4. In case of illness, accident, or termination of a trek/tour in mid way, the returning expenses will be at your own charge. However, our guides will take all available safety measures and precautions to run the program smoothly. They will fully cooperates and assist you to arrange your return safely in Katmandu or nearby city. A helicopter will be arranged through the company and fare will be refunded by your insurance policy.  We strongly recommend having an insurance that fully covers evacuation cost before selecting one of trekking program in Nepal.
  5. The cancellation of running tour/trek program due to the force majeure i.e. natural calamities, political unrest, war, violence or any reason beyond our capability, we reserve the right to cancel or stop the program for further continuation. However, alternative trek/tour can be suggested if possible by consulting with you/team leader. The team leader’s consent will be taken as final for whole team member of a group. If you/group decide discontinue suggested alternative trip, the paid amount will not refund by the company.
  6. All our guides and staffs are trustworthy, reliable, and honest and work on mutual understanding and are trusted with special agreement with the company that they ensure running assigned trip/Trek in a peaceful and responsible manner. However In rare cases, misunderstanding, distrust ethically or morally unacceptable manners or irresponsible behavior, abusive or discriminatory acts towards the junior staffs or towards the clients or vice versa may arise during the trip, will have to settle the matter amicably discussing with team leader and trek/tour guide.
  7. You (Team leader and trek/tour guide) have to inform such matter immediately so that appropriate measures can be taken according to the rules and regulations of the company. Similarly, any act, behavior of a member of the group finds harmful or spoils the spirit of trek/trip, then the company reserves the right to exclude from the trip/trek and have to manage its own.
  8. Hotel services, transportation services, domestic airlines services are managed by third party and our company buys their services and policies. Therefore, the company cannot guarantee their services. However, we select the best reliable service in place and if any inconvenient arises on these said services, the company takes responsibility to arrange its alternative as possible.
  9. if a scheduled flight is cancelled by Airlines Company citing technical problem or any other reasons, Airlines tickets bought under a package deal will not refunded. Agency will then arrange land transport if available in the Sector/Region. However, if Airline Tickets were excluded on our full board package, then will be refunded deducting taxes.