Nepal Experience and Yoga Initiation Trip

Trip Facts

Duration 10 Days
Best Time for Visit Spring (Mar/Apr/May),  Autumn (Sept/Oct/Nov) and Rainy ( June/July/August)
Activity Tour
Arrival On Kathmandu, Nepal
Departure From Kathmandu, Nepal



Accommodation Hotel in Kathmandu (D)

  • Arrival in TIA, Welcome and transfer to hotel
  • Meeting with the Yoga Guru Dev and short briefing about the program
  • Welcome diner with Yoga Guru Dev, staffs and guides

Accommodation Hotel in Kathmandu (BL)

  • Early Morning, First day of Yoga initiation Class by our Yog Guru Dev
  • Return to Hotel for Breakfast.
  • Refresh and Leisure at your Hotel
  • Visit Kathmandu Durbar Square and Showyambhunath Stupa

Accommodation Hotel in Kathmandu (BL)

  • Early Morning, Second day of Yoga initiation Class by our Yoga Guru Dev
  • Return to Hotel for Breakfast.
  • Refresh and Leisure at your Hotel
  • Afternoon: Visit Pashupatinath Temple and Baudhanath Stupa.

Accommodation Hotel Kathmandu (BL)

  • Early Morning, Third and last day of Yoga initiation Class by our Yoga Guru Dev
  • Certificate distribution Function of Yoga initiation class to you by our Yoga Guru Dev.
  • Return to Hotel for Breakfast.
  • Refresh and Leisure at your Hotel
  • Afternoon: Visit Patan and Kirtipur City.

Accommodation Hotel in Kathmandu (BLD)

  • Transfer to domestic Airport for a one-hour Everest Experience Flight.
    Return to Hotel for breakfast.
  • Free day in Kathmandu (Suggestions: Everest Experience Flight,
  • shopping souvenir, Ajurvedhic massage, Dreams Garden)
    Evening group Yaga Practice in Hotel ‘s Yoga Hall
  • Evening Diner with our Yoga Guru Dev to bid thank giving farewell to Him.

Accommodation Hotel in Bandipur (BLD)

  • Early Morning Self practice of Yoga at your Hotel Yoga Hall
    Breakfast at Hotel
  • Refresh and rest
  • Drive to Bandipur Village, Installation at Hotel and Lunch
    Afternoon Exploration of Traditional Newari Village

Accommodation Hotel, Lakeside (BLD)

  • Early Morning self practice of Yoga at Hotel
  • Breakfast at Hotel and refresh
  • Drive to Pokhara and Lunch
  • Short drive to peace Pagoda and walk down to Lake and cross the lake with boats
  • Diner in a restaurant on Lakeside with live music by local band

Accommodation Hotel, Lakeside (BL)

  • Early morning drive to Sarangkot for Sunrise and majestic Annapurna Himalaya Views
  • Self-Yoga practice on the rooftop at Sarangkot
  • Breakfast at Sarangkot
  • Hiking to the Nagdanda and drive back to Hyngja for Lunch and Tibetan Refugee camp visit
  • Cross the Seti River over a suspension bridge and return to Lakeside.

Accommodation Hotel in Kathmandu (BD)

  • Early morning self practice of Yoga in Hotel
  • Drive back to Kathmandu and evening farewell diner at Hotel.

  • Breakfast at Hotel
  • Transfer to airport to board your international flight to your home country or any destination of your choice.


Note: The above-mentioned itinerary can be customized as per your needs and requirement three month prior to beginning of the trip.

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